After constant prodding from Son 2, we took advantage of the 54 degree Saturday last weekend. Upon the advice of Chuck ( we went to a nearby park, that I didn't know about. After trying a couple of points, we moved to the dam where there was some rip rap. Even though it was sunny, the winds were pretty tough.

On one of the first casts there, felt the line moving funny and set the hook. This one went about 1 1/2 lbs. Poor Son 2 was asked to take a picture.

Two casts later, he had to take another one! Again, a 1 1/2 pounder from the same spot. After turning it loose, I moved down the bank. A couple of casts into that spot I set the hook on a good tap. However (insert lesson learned here), the line snapped above the jig. I had noticed an odd spot in the line minutes before and thought - I should re-tie above that. Thus, the lesson learned. Based on the tap and pull when I set the hook, it was a good fish.

The rest of the day was uneventful as we explored other areas of the lake. Uneventful, except for the smirks of Son 2 when I kept thanking him for taking me fishing!

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    The Writer

    Coming from a long line of famous explorers and outdoorsman....okay....not really. But it seemed like such a great opening line.

    Kenny Ratliff grew up and still lives in Kentucky. Hoping he is somewhere in the middle of his existence, a constant in his life has been the outoors.


    January 2014
    January 2013

